This guide presents examples of methodological approaches for the control of PDO products to satisfy technical requirements of the ISO/ IEC 17025 standard and may be used as part of the evaluation of sensory practices by accreditation bodies. The guideline also includes annexes with examples applied to specific kinds of products. This guideline is an informative document with «useful advice on matters relating to accreditation» according to the EA – 1/14 M: 2017 Document: «Procedure for development and approval of EA documents and adoption of ILAC/IAF documents». The information included in this guideline is the result of a cooperation, with contributions from many individuals from the European Sensory Science Society (E3S) national organisations, in conjunction with experts from the European Accreditation organisation, and all with experience in sensory analysis methods applied to PDO products. In addition, experts from other stakeholders (consortia, control bodies) have been consulted. EA-4/09 G 2017 Document has been considered as the basic reference (currently being revised to align with ISO / IEC 17025: 2017). The purpose of this guideline is to establish criteria for the development of methodology for sensory analysis of PDO food products.