Centro del Libro de Aragón > Publicaciones > Dealing with degradation in solid oxide electrochemical cells: Novel materials and spectroscopic probes

Dealing with degradation in solid oxide electrochemical cells: Novel materials and spectroscopic probes

Adrián Robles Fernandéz


286 páginas.


x 25 cms.


ISBN: 978-84-1340-568-1

Humankind has been able to survive and progress throughout history by means of the use of technology. Energy plays a fundamental role in that development, and contemporany  societies  have reached a point in whith energy consumption is basic for the survival of the civilization. Nowdays, that consumption represents around 600 qBtu in the whole worl and it is forecast to rise 50% up in 2050, especially for countries not belonging to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developement).